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being a ski instructor

being a ski instructor

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Started by Skiingdaffy in Ski Chatter - 4 Replies


Skiingdaffy posted Nov-2007

hey everyone,

can anyone give me some advice on becoming a ski instructor in europe and how to go about it and some resources and the steps i need to take.

i'm only 17 now but i am a good skiier and have being several times a year every year since i was about 4.



reply to 'being a ski instructor'
posted Nov-2007

I am 17, skiied every year since i was 3, doing a ski instructor course in Banff starting January!! How much money have you got? and when do you want to do it?


reply to 'being a ski instructor'
posted Nov-2007

Lots of overseas instructor courses on the market, some even claim to take non skiers and teach not only the ability to ski but then teach you to qualify as an instructor. I am not knocking all overseas courses but whatever you do make sure the end qualification is recognised in Europe, not all are.
Another route and if you want to gain valuable experience is to get in touch with your local dry ski slope and talk to the instructors and may be follow the "club Instructor "route. The experience gained will be worth the effort. Then move on to ASSI ( artificial ski slope instructor) qualifications or BASI.
BASI are recognised worldwide.
Contact.. Snowsports England & BASI, they will offer invaluable advice.
If it helps my daughter was at the age of 17 one of youngest qualifying Snowsports Englang Club Instructors in the UK, now moving through the BASI system with ulimate aim if teaching on snow, but experience is paramount and you should really put in some serious hours to gain experience.

Good luck in achiving the dream, go for it.


reply to 'being a ski instructor'
posted Nov-2007

Im 19 and am doing the same thing as Ross, but in Big White, Canada. 18 days till i go!!

The average price for the 11/12 week instructor course, whether in Canada or Europe somewhere, is around £6000. Sounds a lot, but when you think about what you get for that price, it suddenly seems very reasonable!

I will happily answer and questions you have, as will Ross i'm sure!

Edited 2 times. Last update at 22-Nov-2007

reply to 'being a ski instructor'
posted Nov-2007

Ben knows nothing.

Ross :mrgreen:

Topic last updated on 22-November-2007 at 11:40