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Quicker edge to edge ski ?

Quicker edge to edge ski ?

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Started by Oojudoo in Ski Hardware - 16 Replies


Oojudoo posted Nov-2014

Last holiday I skied a volkl rtm 80 and loved them big time! What I did find hard was quick edge to edge turns. I'm hiring skis again this next trip and was looking for some advice from you people in the know who can give me some info on skis to suit. I am 6ft, 18st and love the fast groomed runs which the Volkl were amazing at. Just fancying something quicker on the turn. Sorry if it seems a little vague...don't know much about the info on the skis just know how to use them :)
I came, I saw, I ate it

reply to 'Quicker edge to edge ski ?'
posted Nov-2014

If you want a ski that's quicker edge to edge you will have to get something with a narrower waist, slalom skis are the quickest skis from edge to edge and have waist widths of 65 – 68mm.

Dave Mac
reply to 'Quicker edge to edge ski ?'
posted Nov-2014

From my half a dozen pairs of skis stored in Niederau, the pair I most use is Volkl Vertigo, not much of a radius, 71mm waist, but as one of my Austrian friends describes as " very old, very fast".

I do not understand "quicker edge to edge". Quicker down the mountain makes a bit more sense.

Skis are fast, and faster, nicht war?

reply to 'Quicker edge to edge ski ?'
posted Nov-2014

Interesting question and you are correct is confusing. A ski can be moved edge to edge as fast as your legs can work and certainly by today's standards it would be considered narrow. Only way to improve this is some quick feet drills on and off the slope. It does however have a relatively big turning radius ~19m, if you want to turn with a shorter radius than that you will need to combine an element of skid in your turn. Doing nice rounded turns is then simply a matter of practice.

I am going to assume that you actually felt the ski didn't help you engage into a turn fast enough. It would seem to me that you are probably just not putting ski on enough of an edge to fully let it steer, so it felt like quite a straight ski. Any ski with an early rise for powder can feel like a bit of a plank on-piste as you need to work much harder to engage the tip, with much greater angulation. Once you engage the tip you get that powerful steer feel. Skiing dynamic on that sort of ski requires a lot of effort from the skier.

In general I would suggest for piste skiing go for something 75mm or less. If you want to go offpiste go for 100mm or more. In-between you just end up with a compromise that requires a lot more effort from yourself.

Edited 1 time. Last update at 27-Nov-2014

reply to 'Quicker edge to edge ski ?'
posted Nov-2014

It's obvious my ignorance of the answer is evident in the question I asked, thank you all for your help so far.
I think I mean a shorter radius turn, like a slalom ski? That would give me a smaller carve ? I can skid a ski side to side pretty fast but ideally I'm looking to carve the ski quickly. Narrower middle sounds like part of the answer I think?

Skied lots years ago and coming back into it the ski choice is baffling to me what with the ski technology today,

Which salomon ski would be good for slalom or equivalent other brands? I'm just trying to get a few skis to research and pick before I go...
Again, thanks for your help all :)
I came, I saw, I ate it

Dave Mac
reply to 'Quicker edge to edge ski ?'
posted Nov-2014

Oo, maybe you have the solution in your post ~ you are hiring. So, change your skis every couple of days. Discuss the issue with the ski hirer, and they may assist you with strategic choices.

reply to 'Quicker edge to edge ski ?'
posted Nov-2014

I am planning on doing that most definitely :) I was just hoping for some suggestions of some cool skis that some of you guys have or had tried to research so I can at least sound a little like I know what I'm talking about before I speak to the ski guy.
Plus my holiday is 2 months away and I don't fancy waiting that long before a 20 min chat with too many ski names and tech info going in one ear and out the other from the ski technician! I thought to at least give him what I fancy having a ski with as a start off and work from there.......hence my forum question :)
I came, I saw, I ate it

Dave Mac
reply to 'Quicker edge to edge ski ?'
posted Nov-2014

Do you know where you are skiing?

Topic last updated on 02-December-2014 at 01:56