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Lesson 3 : All Roads Lead to Rome

Lesson 3 : All Roads Lead to Rome

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Started by Pavelski in Ski Tuning Course


Pavelski posted Sep-2007

Probably wondering what roads and Rome have in common to ski tuning?

Remember what the stated goals were at the beginning of this course! Well one of them was to become a ski tuner. No NO let me repeat that. To become great ski tuners! A competent tuner!

This means you must have an open mind at all times, and even when you begin to show others how to tune skis you must always look for betters ways, easier ways and more effective ways to tune.

Goal of class: To learn to read, study and apply other ways to tune skis. To learn to have an 'open mind" about learning! In the past many "truths" seemed absolutes!

Now we discover that perhaps we might have been incorrect. From believing that the world is flat. To that all universe rotates around earth. To thinking that the smallest elements were parts of an atom!
We are discovering that many, many truths are not.
Did not experts build the Titanic!!!!

I mentioned to you all that there is not ONE way to tune a ski. I am presenting the way I tune my skis based on my experience, for my needs. You must develop basic technical skills and then adapt what you have learned to your needs.
I want you at the end of this course to have a "critical" mind so that you can differentiate between "correct procedures" and sales-gimmic procedures. Or the worst,,, "the best" procedures by some Guru!

In order to help you along in this search for your ski tuning procedures I will share with you many sources of ski tuning information collected over the years! It does not mean I support them! They are for you to read, sometimes laugh, yes sometimes cry!

For example I have a great advertisement in which a product is advertised related to skiing! Man is bending over work bench "tuning a ski"!!!
Well in my "old fashion classes where students are physically with me, in class room" we analyze picture and behold even new tuners find at least 15 errors. Some just funny ( ski with rear binding in front) to serious dangerous errors! ( Wax remover beside beautiful pot belly wood stove which will explode in a few seconds)!

I will be sending these to you ( only registered students) so open a file called "Tuning Info Pavel"). Soon you will have homework with the TOKO Waxing Manual!

Enjoy reading them. Enjoy learning how to "see" the many errors you can find. If you have visited the past class you will have noted that I asked students to view a U TUBE video of a young lad "teaching" ski tuning! See if you can find it and find at least 25 errors!

As far as the Toko Manual. Also view it and list the procedures and products you do not need for your purposes! (I know now I will get many emails from companies ,,,, or Dave will get them!)
PS Dave is the site administrator.

Now you understand the lesson 3 title. There is not one way to get to Rome! I will teach you how to walk ( and think) you will choose the road to Rome based on your budget, transportation, language skills, time, and sights you want to see)!

You see I only sell one thing and it is free for you. Knowledge!