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Spring Skiing Techniques

Spring Skiing Techniques

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Started by Pavelski in Ski Technique - 4 Replies


Pavelski posted Mar-2007

Haaa the sun is here!

The warm temperatures are making skiing even more interesting.

That is the challenge of skiing! You never really master it completely!
Mother nature always has "surprises" for you.

You worked all winter on your technique and now as the sun melts the snow all that learning seems not to bear fruit.

Spring skiing requires different techniques (well just more focus on some parts of your technique) and different skiing strategies.

Here are some suggestions ( not dogmas) on how to make your Spring skiing more effective and fun.

1. You have to learn how to do a "slow strip"
Temperatures and snow conditions change a great deal in Spring skiing and you must "adapt" to these changes. Dress so you can take some cloths off as the sun gets more pronounced. I put a some thin windproof pants on which have side zippers. Under the pants I have racing pants with shorts ( as noted on other messages Spring snow is like 60 grit sand paper, so protect your ski)! The wilder the colors and patterns the better.
Remember this is Spring, get rid of those blacks, greys, and join the sun and get those wild reds, flowers and "hippy" patterns.

By 12 PM you should be free of all the heavy vests, pants and jackets.Liberate yourself!

2. Water and more water
You really sweat when skiing! In spring skiing your are a sliding faucet!!!! I hide in snow banks at top and bottom two water bottles which I sip ever time I go by water. I also have some sucrose cubes ( all pharmacies have theses) since you will lose a lot of "internal fluids"!

3. Get rid of those heavy winter gloves! I buy some bike gloves or light ski gloves from the cross country ski section.

4. Those googles hide your beautiful eyes! Get some 99% UV protection glasses. Freedom is the word here!

5. Do not forget the lips! At all cost have some form of lip protection! You will need the lips in the evening!!!!!

6. Get rid of those "heavy" polar fleece underwear. I really am down to "nothing" when I ski in the Spring! That is why I wear some wild surfing shorts, since I have had "ladies" comment about my tight and thin racing pants. Seems it interferes with their skiing!!!!!

Now for the Skiing technique part.

The skiing conditions in one day changes so much that you must adapt your skiing style and technique!

An effective skier can skis all conditions by adapting skiing technique rather than trying to impose his/her style on the ski terrain. You will lose all the time!

Smart skiers have learnt that the very best Spring skiing is in early morning skiing. The sun is out. The runs are well groomed and the snow has "hardended" overnight. This is heaven. You can cruise with just a wind shirt, light pants and lots of air!!!!!

Get out there early!

By 10 am the snow is now getting "sticky" and not very forgiving. You must slow down because you have "transition" sections. That is you have fast snow then all of the sudden you have very sticky snow. It call eject you from the skis!

Observe the "flock pattern". Skiers are very much like sheep, when "difficult" conditions occur they follow other sheep! That is they ski where everyone goes down the same section, thus creating a narrow path on a wide ski slope.

Avoid this path! I ski in the shadows where the sun has not yet melted the slope surface. It is still hard snow and the surface layer ( quasi-liquid layer) is very fast!

Spring conditions reward those skiers that "practiced" their carving since the cement snow loves to catch the "flat, windshield wiper skiers". If all winter you allowed the skis to skid sideways, to move flat at the end of each turn then you will hate this snow.
But the skiers who go on edge,,,,,they will now discover heaven!!! Now your actions are more effective since the ski edges bits into the soft snow easily! You even "rocket" out of turns flying over moguls, ruts and even low flying bugs or birds!!!!

This is when you DO NOT do body turns! You know those torso turns that cause the ski to follow your body! The snow will "suck" the skis and cause the skis to go one way and your body the other way! Sore back will follow!!!!

This is when you allow skis to go down slope! No radical turns or muscle turns! You will lose!

Those small mounts every where are soft! Just blast through them !

One last advice.
In Spring skiing all skier actions are magnified 10 times to the ski! Learn to be more gentle yet firm in your edge sets. This is the time to do all skiing actions with "clear intent", no hesitation or gradual edge sets!

Have fun! Enjoy the freedom, the air and above all that glorious sun!

Why not start a tradition with your fellow skiers. In my family, we bury 10 bottles of Corona with two limes at the bottom of the hill. At the end of the day out they come! The lips will enjoy a cool drink!!!

Hola Spring is here!!!

reply to 'Spring Skiing Techniques'
posted Mar-2007

Great post pavelski.
I've been lurking for a while reading your brilliant technique tips.
The tights thing is a little disturbing though... :lol:

reply to 'Spring Skiing Techniques'
posted Mar-2007


Seems so much more "macho" to say ski racing pants, rather than tights!!!

I will try not to shock you all!

reply to 'Spring Skiing Techniques'
posted Mar-2007

pavelski wrote:One last advice.
In Spring skiing all skier actions are magnified 10 times to the ski! Learn to be more gentle yet firm in your edge sets. This is the time to do all skiing actions with "clear intent", no hesitation or gradual edge sets!

It's been warm this week in Killington and I had a chance to try out some of your ideas. The "gentle yet firm" thing is a real keeper.

Today was that whole "r-word" thing, so I got soaked.
Heavy slush was the order of the day, but not particularly tiring as long as I let the skis do the work.
New Salomon Tornados have great float to go with their good carving. Nice for an all mountain ski.

Thankfully it got cold again and is supposed to snow through the weekend. :D

One additional Spring skiing consideration: Don't forget the Spring wax for those warm days.
It really helps keep your skis from going slow or stopping in the grippy late-season snow.

reply to 'Spring Skiing Techniques'
posted Mar-2007

Something I particularly do in the spring (or during any warm period), is not only look at the temperatures, but also at the humidity. This can make a huge difference to how slushy or dry the snow will be.

because I'm so inclined .....

Topic last updated on 15-March-2007 at 23:28