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Left turns...

Left turns...

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Started by Sphinxridd in Ski Technique - 3 Replies


Sphinxridd posted Feb-2007

I'm a lefty, so I naturally depend on my left side. When I try to make a left turn, I find it difficult to unweigh my left foot, for it just doesn't seem to want to let to. So sometimes my left turn ends up in a sort of wedging position instead of a parallel turn. (this probably isn't a very technical description.)

Any suggestions on how I can improve? Thanks!

reply to 'Left turns...'
posted Feb-2007

You have focussed very well on your problem,,,,your dominant side is really is domineering!

Here is solution!

On a easy slope, as you turn LEFT ( thus weight must be on right ski), just lift the heel or tail of your left ski. This will force your dominant side to "give up" control! Try to keep this left ski up till end of turn!

It will be difficult the first time!

Note you must lift tail of ski,,, not tip or whole ski.

Do this over and over until your left side learns to share skiing experience with your right side.

Another exercise

Unbuckle your left boot. Just use power strap during easy skiing on easy slope. You will "teach" left side not to be so dominant since it now has little control. You will learn with this option to be "easy" with left ski and to depend more with "firmer" right ski and boot.

A third option.

Place a small object such as small bolt, small pebble in heel area of left boot. If you press too much with left side, you will very soon feel that tiny object digging in your heel.
Trust me you will very quickly NOT lean too much on left ski or left boot.

Great exercise for skiers that lean back while skiing!
In most cases one 3 hour session with tiny screw on heel areas and skier never leans back!!!

I trust this will help you!


reply to 'Left turns...'
posted Feb-2007

pavelski wrote:3 hour session with tiny screw on heel areas and skier never leans back!!!

:-o :shock:

...if someone put a screw in my boot I think I could find yet another use for my ski poles!!! :lol:

Sounds extreme but I'll bet it works well - am not going to try it with the better half however! 8)
The Admin Man

reply to 'Left turns...'
posted Feb-2007

thank you, pavelski! going for a day trip tomorrow, will try out the solutions you suggested!

Topic last updated on 23-February-2007 at 20:11